Welcome to the The Settlers Online.
Here you can find official announcements and news about the game, forums and events
A place to find all the official news and announcements, including patch notes and maintenance logs.
News that are not necessarily related to the game
Contains general Code of Conduct, chat guidelines and other policies.
Please follow our rules. The support team is available from 09am to 6pm.
New to the game? Hop in here to check out many helpful guides or ask a question!
Forum for general chat. Includes new player FAQs, content previews, and game discussion.
Do you have questions about the game and its features? The bug report and technical issues are handled in another section.
Feature requests, and suggestions can be found here.
Unleash your creativity! Submit your fanpage, create forum mini-games or forum mini-events. Please keep in mind to always follow our rules.
This section is dedicated to forum events and more.
Please follow our rules. The support team is available from 09am to 6pm.
This is the forum for world-1
This is the forum for world-2
Welcome to our newest member, ShivasFury