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Forum: Feedback & Discussions

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  1. Feedback threads on patch notes and features can be found here.

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    • Threads: 283
    • Posts: 10,678
  1. Question BB representation in the game chat

    Hi, Given the fact that BB_Saqui shared yesterday about the Mod changes...

    Started by sas_sam, 10-02-24 08:42 pm
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 208
    10-07-24 08:35 am Go to last post
  2. this downtime and reimbursements

    you have created many events in the game that takes multiple days now - the starfall and the pathfinder are two of the more popular ones. When you...

    Started by Narasn, 09-23-24 03:42 am
    2 Pages
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    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 625
    09-29-24 03:26 pm Go to last post
  3. Moved: [Feedback] Change Log 05/06/24

    Started by BB_Saqui, 06-05-24 01:26 am
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    06-05-24 01:26 am Go to last post
  4. Where are they now

    Where are the people who exchanged our vibrant and expressive community for a social ideology of totalitarian censorship? Where are they now?

    Started by Forrell, 05-24-24 09:35 pm
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    • Views: 3,728
    05-24-24 09:35 pm Go to last post
  5. visiting friends islands

    is anyone else having difficulty visiting a friends island? my game keeps freezing up. doesn't seem to be a ticket item, since multiple friends of...

    Started by Bubbarella, 08-24-23 05:55 am
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 13,046
    05-03-24 07:21 am Go to last post
  6. Thumbs down Is this a joke?

    So the art museum costs 7000 eggs and needs additional eggs to upgrade to lvl 3 but the second art museum only gives 10% cooldown reduction? For a...

    Started by Ultim, 04-05-24 09:16 am
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 5,753
    04-28-24 10:55 am Go to last post
  7. The Rock achievement

    Is anyone trying to complete the achievements and/or doing colonies? Do I hear crickets chirping?? I have been trying to come up with a plan...

    Started by SirSitzalot, 06-08-20 08:17 pm
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 15,272
    04-18-24 06:02 am Go to last post
  8. Maintenance during Events

    This is just real vile and it appears to be a pattern already. I can accept an emergency maintenance is needed once during an event but this is...

    Started by Narasn, 03-03-24 02:30 am
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 4,678
    03-08-24 12:52 pm Go to last post
  9. Lightbulb Combat Rework

    Good afternoon Settlers! I've always had the idea of combat being more effective and intuitive. Maybe this post will go further and make it into...

    Started by Labergz, 12-29-23 11:33 am
    combat, experience, idea, mail, storage
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 4,458
    12-30-23 07:42 am Go to last post
  10. Moved: [Feedback] Change Log 13/12/23

    Started by BB_Trafffer, 12-13-23 03:00 am
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    12-13-23 03:00 am Go to last post
  11. code of conduct

    What does retired mean at the bottom of these topics? Is there another more updated set of rules and these no longer apply. I notice from time to...

    Started by Narasn, 11-06-23 08:59 am
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 16,625
    11-08-23 08:41 am Go to last post
  12. Question No Flash Sale Gifts for Gems?

    Is it a bug that Flash Sale items are not showing up to buy as gifts for friends with gems? If it's not, then why not if the point of the store is to...

    Started by Frii, 10-22-23 11:41 pm
    gems, gifts, merchant, settlers online, store
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 12,191
    10-22-23 11:41 pm Go to last post
  13. event buff activated out of nowhere

    i accidently activated the easter tree buff without me wanting to, i clicked on the tree then looked into the items i needed and then activated it...

    Started by dark_mobius, 10-12-23 10:28 am
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    10-12-23 10:28 am Go to last post
  14. New land added

    Just wondering if possible to add more land to main island ? Also is it possible to start a market where a person can get anything for the price...

    Started by Redhawk55, 12-31-21 07:52 am
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 58,234
    10-02-23 09:45 pm Go to last post
  15. Dismiss

    Can the developer let us have the option to dismiss the generals? I mean, who use Field Medic generals?

    Started by Kagehisa, 08-21-23 05:30 am
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    08-21-23 05:30 am Go to last post
  16. expeditions

    not sure if anyone plays expeditions anymore but i tried one for the first time in a long time... what a mess. you have to reload the game every...

    Started by binderberger, 12-07-21 04:59 pm
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    08-04-23 06:07 am Go to last post
  17. I can not log in

    I can not log in, I've been trying for 8 hrs...Trafffer, what is your suggestion? I'm running Windows 11

    Started by Chronous, 05-18-23 03:33 pm
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 6,954
    05-19-23 02:40 am Go to last post
  18. Suggestions for Game improvements from an 8 year player

    1) Make Buildings Stackable/Combinable. Example: 5 Stack Stands could be combined into ONE with the output of FIVE. 2) Make Explorers, Generals,...

    Started by Farcus, 01-11-23 10:36 am
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 39,446
    03-24-23 06:59 am Go to last post
  19. Valentine's Event?

    The forum here and the game's homepage have been so quiet in the last few days, I'm wondering if there's going to be a Valentine's event. Since Vday...

    Started by Droidhak, 02-06-23 08:54 pm
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 9,420
    02-10-23 07:41 am Go to last post
  20. Unhappy Online combat simulators - down?

    Hi, I normally use to test my attacks - it's down :( I went to check the forums for alternative ones that were once...

    Started by jeckar, 11-10-22 11:15 am
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 8,920
    11-11-22 10:19 am Go to last post

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