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Forum: Bug Report

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  1. A GM-compiled list of verified and known bugs.

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    • Threads: 2
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  1. Sticky Thread Sticky: Report template

    Report template explanation How did the error manifest itself? For example: error message, connection lost, etc. Date and time - When...

    Started by BB_Trafffer, 07-21-21 06:34 am
    7 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 7
    • Replies: 62
    • Views: 112,914
    08-01-23 04:52 am Go to last post
  1. Art Museum Buff

    When you apply the stonework structure exhibit - geologists currently out have their search time extended. I had three thorough geologists out and...

    Started by Narasn, 09-05-24 04:36 am
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 450
    09-05-24 04:36 am Go to last post
  2. Unable to Cancel an Invite.

    I have a Nords adv I started for a GQ, ran it all (except the L1 leader camp) waiting till the end to invite the LS. Well, invited the user, who...

    Started by WendigoOne, 08-06-24 10:36 am
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,773
    08-18-24 10:26 pm Go to last post
  3. Settlers Online Forums Very Laggy and Slow to Respond

    This forum here has been very slow and laggy for quite a while now, resulting in errors and issues, ironically even a double post for me in the bug...

    Started by Frii, 07-19-24 10:44 am
    bug, forums laggy, settlers online, settlers online forum lag, slow
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,338
    07-19-24 10:44 am Go to last post
  4. Blank Empty Event Resource Mail

    I had tens of thousands of event resources, but the mail is blank and empty.

    Started by Frii, 07-19-24 02:20 am
    bug, event resources, mail blank, mail bugged, settlers online
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,693
    07-19-24 02:20 am Go to last post
  5. Blank Event Resource Mail

    I had tens of thousands of event resources, but the conversion mail from Ubisoft is blank and empty.

    Started by Frii, 07-19-24 02:17 am
    event resources, mail blank, mail bugged, settlers online
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,407
    07-19-24 02:17 am Go to last post
  6. Question Sooty Geologist does not mine 3x faster

    Sooty Geologist states that its coal mines, "can be mined 3x faster," but they are the exact same speed as a regular mine. Sooty Regular

    Started by Frii, 07-09-24 12:37 pm
    bugged, coal mine, settlers online, sooty geologist
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,873
    07-09-24 12:37 pm Go to last post
  7. Easter Egg tree

    This is supposed to cover explorers sent out during the buff but coming back after and it does not always. I suspect the game is resetting the...

    Started by Narasn, 02-14-24 09:42 am
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 4,968
    07-03-24 04:40 am Go to last post
  8. Thumbs down Visiting and Buffing Friend's Islands Still Causing Lag and Temporary Freezes

    So, this issue has been going on for many years and is very frustrating. When you visit the island of a guild member or friend to buff their...

    Started by Frii, 10-15-23 12:15 am
    buffing, buffs, freezing, lagging, settlers online
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 30,479
    06-25-24 03:22 am Go to last post
  9. Starfall Inconsistencies and Bugs - let's start a list here

    Got 5 Starfall Mystery Boxes (2nd time) in Star/Misc. Opened ONE (1) of the boxes, and got 100 shards in Star/Resources. Once I confirmed where they...

    Started by Pepper1009, 02-02-24 08:54 am
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 5
    box, boxes, mystery, shards, starfall
    • Replies: 41
    • Views: 56,260
    06-24-24 07:56 am Go to last post
  10. Lots Wrong in Trade Office

    Lot amounts are still wrong in Trade Office. I listed two 100k x4 lots of coal. 1 lot sold from each, so the amount from the two expired coal lots...

    Started by Frii, 05-26-24 04:17 am
    bugged, lot bug, lots, the settlers online, trade office
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,056
    05-26-24 04:17 am Go to last post
  11. Unknown ID for Epic Woodyard in Economy

    Started by Frii, 05-20-24 06:02 am
    bug, economy overview, epic woodyard, settlers online, unknown id
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 7,183
    05-21-24 11:47 pm Go to last post
  12. Question Collectibe quest not collectible

    For the past 3 collectible quests in a row, the quest did not complete when all collectibles were found and is not giving me the option to collect...

    Started by Frii, 05-10-24 06:10 pm
    bugged, collectibles, collections, quest, the settlers online
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 5,020
    05-15-24 01:31 am Go to last post
  13. Misleading balance information in pinewood log production chain.

    This is such a low priority that it will never get fixed, but I thought I would report it anyway. If you are in the economic overview looking at...

    Started by Kit_Kit, 07-21-13 01:31 pm
    balanced, econimic overview, pinewood logs, production chain, tree stumps
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 34,290
    04-02-24 10:34 am Go to last post
  14. Bugged reward images for recently added acheivements

    The reward images for recent achievements have been bugged for quite a while, often only displaying truncated text. Here's a screenshot of an...

    Started by Frii, 03-07-24 09:33 am
    achievement rewards, bug, bugged, reward images, text only
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 7,604
    03-25-24 11:31 pm Go to last post
  15. Christmas trees do not work correctly

    I have 8 Christmas trees on my island and I get 2 gifts after collecting from them, even though it states you get a gift for each tree.

    Started by Ultim, 02-24-24 01:03 am
    bug, christmas tree, gift
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 8,194
    03-19-24 04:10 am Go to last post
  16. Bugged image for Romantic Explorer treasure mails

    Romantic explorer mail Other explorer mail

    Started by Frii, 03-07-24 08:31 am
    image, loot mail, romantic explorer, treasure
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,754
    03-07-24 08:31 am Go to last post
  17. STARFALL Questline 4 Completion iniated Questline #3 not Questline #5

    After completing Fallen Star Mining with time to spare, the next quest line to open was NOT the 5th Questline Rooting Out the Problem but was instead...

    Started by Lady_Kizmiaz, 02-01-24 04:19 pm
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 5,436
    03-06-24 12:40 pm Go to last post
  18. Game won't finish loading

    How did the error manifest itself? loading bar never finishes and errors in the console Date and time - When did the problem occur? a minute ago...

    Started by Ultim, 12-26-23 05:39 am
    error, game wont load, loading error, loading never finishes, loading wont finish
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 13,771
    02-22-24 05:07 am Go to last post
  19. Music and sound effect controls and menus bugged

    There is a bug that causes the music and sound effect option controls to quit working over time without even using them or any option menu and they...

    Started by Frii, 02-19-24 10:31 pm
    broken controls, bugged music, bugs, settlers online, sound effects
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 8,726
    02-19-24 10:31 pm Go to last post
  20. Unhappy Trade window entry box loses focus to quest progress bar updates

    When actively typing numbers in the entry box window for trades in the foreground, focus will be stolen away by every update to quest progression...

    Started by Frii, 02-19-24 09:14 pm
    focus, quest window, settlers online bugs, toolip, trade entry box window
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 6,696
    02-19-24 09:14 pm Go to last post

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