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02-01-25 05:17 pm
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Missing Nusala
12-22-24 04:53 am
How do I clear the Unity browser cache & cookies. The browser cache is a collection of files in which data from web pages is cached. This includes...
Dear Settlers, As of July 24th, 2017 we've received reports of login difficulties and other inconveniences. The following explanations should...
Hello everyone, *** Attention, this post might help some of you, but might not fix the issue for some others. *** It has been a few week that...
I am not the only one experiencing this. I reported this to UbiSoft Customer Support. There are USA players that want to send BB money. ...
I had sent that new general out and lost 40k recruits from the star menu - are we going to get these back?
Is anyone having trouble purchasing gems in the United States? I have been trying for the last two months with no success. I have tried all the...
The new Weekly Quest chain shows, but one is not able to complete the First Recruitment (ergo Second and Third as well) quest. This just started...
monday and wendnesday i couldnt log into the game the site didnt load and everything was a white screen. jsutp osting it here as its in the middle of...
After three days of attempts to login, with correct password, I had thought new code by BB had me in a loop. Firefox is my preferred browser and...
Have not been able to get game to load in weeks. I have tried Chrome, Firefox and Edge. All have been updated. I login, click play and the load...
At 16:12 today, 2024_AUG_18 I was in the middle of trades, then proceeded to start adventure, then got booted off with message Server Zone Crash. An...
I have a friend who plays who the game wants to verify but requires their email address to send it to. When he went to check the email account he has...
First: Scenarios - Resources isn't working correctly for me... not sure if others are experiencing the issue. A few months ago I sent a ticket to...
Getting unable to connect error when trying to load game
so after 2 times failing i had storm reccovery done perfectly ( with help from a guide for placements) and when i was at the building phase it...
In the past week I have attempted to place 2 trades and both times the trades were not visible to myself and were not visible to other players. In...
I've logged in twice today - both times, after completing the Username/Password section, a window pops us telling me I need to agree to new Terms of...
Stage II I have to mine the crystals at 1 per 15 mins. 196 crystals in mine. 4 per hour, it will take 49 hrs. If only my scrapper II lube was not...
I wasn't having issues logging in, tks to the hotfix today I can't seem to get game to load. I got as far as loading...
Can not get into game, 2nd splash screen gets to about 90 percent then freezes.
A couple of hours ago today, February 19th around 4:30pm Central European Time, I had to leave an adventure only a few minutes after I had sent 2...
I can log in but when I press play now, the game doesn't load. Please help.
Zeus chat server not functioning at 12:05 pm (Miami time)
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