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Forum: Testing Feedback

Please give us all your feedback in this forum. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly! Please tell us what changed, why you may or may not like it, and how you would improve it if you could. This will help us a lot! Thanks!

  1. Unhappy "Motherly Love & Epic Building"

    The description for the Adventure "Motherly Love" reads "Chance to win an Epic Building" Now I know that currently no Decoration building...

    Started by Etarip, 11-26-12 10:40 am
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 335,092
    11-26-12 07:22 pm Go to last post
  2. [undefined text] messages

    Started by Edmund, 10-26-12 12:39 pm
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 67,082
    11-24-12 12:05 pm Go to last post
  3. Quest with multiply items,

    the quest that contain, 4 items to be done are impossible to do. I am on the Look out for tools, can get 0 on copper , coal and bronze, but...

    Started by Lora, 11-24-12 09:20 am
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 36,297
    11-24-12 09:20 am Go to last post
  4. Pirate Huts

    Hello, I was curious about the Pirate Hut issue. I did receive an in-game mail with the apology of the Pirate Huts coming up missing. Along with...

    Started by Silverlight, 11-15-12 10:48 pm
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 50,765
    11-22-12 03:49 am Go to last post
  5. Couldnt even log in froze on me everytime

    I will log in as soon as i can

    Started by Aries711, 11-15-12 12:48 am
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 41,611
    11-15-12 09:32 am Go to last post
  6. Lightbulb movable storehouse

    i absolutely need to know if storehouse will be movable since its the most important building to move the one that we have the most along with the...

    Started by promic, 11-11-12 12:39 pm
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 89,423
    11-11-12 05:36 pm Go to last post
  7. Said I gto my gems and pirate hut I they arn't here

    I got an email that thanked me for taking the survey and that here were my gems and pirate hut but neither are showing up. It gave me 50 gems but I...

    Started by RaggingDonkey, 11-05-12 08:18 am
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 46,104
    11-06-12 02:26 pm Go to last post
  8. Exclamation Sham Test Server Promotion?

    I played the test server that has been on the TSO newspage all week for 3-4 hours. I made it to level 29 or so and filled in almost 3 surveys! On top...

    Started by Labergz, 10-28-12 06:07 pm
    2 Pages
    1 2
    fail, fail promotion, missing reward
    • Replies: 19
    • Views: 293,762
    11-06-12 02:24 am Go to last post
  9. Bugs on test server

    I only filled out a survey when I first accessed the test server, with bugs I'd noticed about Zeus. Here are a few I noted on the test server: ...

    Started by Beardo, 11-05-12 08:48 am
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    • Views: 42,101
    11-05-12 08:48 am Go to last post
  10. Where's the survey?

    It's way past 10 am pst but when I log in to the test server I'm not getting the survey. I tried different browsers, clearing cache, etc. but I'm not...

    Started by Otuwek, 10-26-12 09:35 am
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 5
    • Replies: 42
    • Views: 421,318
    11-02-12 04:43 pm Go to last post
  11. Angry Rosabelle

    no survey offered since I started playing the test server...

    Started by Rosabelle, 10-29-12 04:50 pm
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 37,675
    10-29-12 04:50 pm Go to last post
  12. no survey since first log-in

    I have not gotten the survey since the first log-in. I was fiilled it out untill i realized it was asking me things about the event and "X"ed out of...

    Started by Vaklear, 10-29-12 11:51 am
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 42,954
    10-29-12 04:46 pm Go to last post
  13. 100 Exotic Wood in star menu

    when the stack of 1000 Exotic Wood is placed into storae at the mayors house it records it in the news feed and the pop up window says it was placed...

    Started by Wukung, 10-28-12 02:53 pm
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 43,327
    10-29-12 04:43 pm Go to last post
  14. test server !!!!

    i log this morning no pop up i stay for 30 min maybe the pop up will come for the servey nothing i already wasted 3 hour testing the server yesterday...

    Started by lasthope, 10-26-12 07:27 am
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 47,598
    10-28-12 06:10 pm Go to last post
  15. TSO needs to stop...

    treating Ares like a red headed step child and promote equality with event rewards.

    Started by Timothy4, 10-27-12 11:13 am
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 43,046
    10-28-12 03:04 pm Go to last post
  16. unable to access test server

    i've been trying to access the test server and can't get into it. says my registration is incomplete, i go to click the complete part and it does...

    Started by Mord, 10-27-12 05:46 am
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 50,415
    10-28-12 07:01 am Go to last post
  17. Resources being used up when production is maxed

    My bows are at max, but Bowmakers continue to consume logs. Actually, this is happening to all resources. I'm guess u must now manually stop...

    Started by JumpinJack, 10-27-12 07:58 am
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 44,863
    10-27-12 07:58 am Go to last post
  18. Testing note

    The rearranged icons in the build que was confusing. The Icons were wrong. All wood shown was exotice. The mills and the resource.

    Started by Guss_Bigfeet, 10-27-12 01:52 am
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 35,643
    10-27-12 01:52 am Go to last post
  19. Older Production Chains quest

    I can meet the requirements, but the quest will not complete. Stock of tools = 12,812 exceeds req of 8,000 Production value = 633 exceeds req of...

    Started by Bartolomeus, 10-26-12 03:31 am
    bug, bugs
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 56,439
    10-26-12 07:57 pm Go to last post
  20. total drag

    been having several issues since rollback on global ; no chat no whisper and very little chat visible and unable to participate at all. But the...

    Started by daleo2012, 10-26-12 05:46 pm
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 48,023
    10-26-12 05:46 pm Go to last post

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