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Forum: Questions and answers about the game and gameplay

Do you have questions about the game and its features? The bug report and technical issues are handled in another section.

  1. Starfall - Basic Compendium Of Starfall Phenomenon Breakthroughs

    Hi, How can I activate the "Basic Compendium Of Starfall Phenomenon Breakthroughs" in the Forerunner? It says it requires a skill, the...

    Started by Jim_Halpert, 10-09-24 08:27 pm
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    10-09-24 08:27 pm Go to last post
  2. Starfall Quest Dont Rush the Outcome

    4 of the 5 S.C.R.A.P.P.E.R. MK 1 mines are fully mined, however the 5th still contains 200 shards. Production status is "working" yet after 1 week...

    Started by SageHyd, 02-05-24 01:37 am
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 31,866
    04-27-24 01:01 pm Go to last post
  3. Remove limits on Shotfirers and Demo Crews

    Hey all, Not sure if anyone else would like to clear their island of rubble or mountains, but I would. The only problem is, there aren't enough...

    Started by Pink_Robin, 01-15-24 11:22 pm
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 19,054
    01-30-24 09:52 am Go to last post
  4. Obisidian Ore

    How do you find it?

    Started by sk61, 02-20-23 07:11 am
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 179,676
    08-18-23 02:51 am Go to last post
  5. Question How do I make the font/text bigger in the game window?

    I'm just returning to the game after a few years off, and my problem is that with my high resolution monitor, the text in the chat and other windows...

    Started by TheDregs, 04-20-23 04:54 pm
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 66,396
    04-25-23 07:24 am Go to last post
  6. Restart

    I've been away for a few years and was wondering how do I delete and restart my Settlement?

    Started by Chrioni, 12-11-20 03:04 pm
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 39,214
    04-24-22 07:12 pm Go to last post
  7. Received an assassin, but can't accpet

    Hi, a guildmate sent me an assassin but I'm unable to collect it from my mail. Is it because I'm too low level at 32?

    Started by Rufio-, 04-08-22 12:12 pm
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    • Views: 15,431
    04-08-22 12:12 pm Go to last post
  8. Grout

    How do you get or produce grout?

    Started by sk61, 02-22-22 04:06 am
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 146,529
    03-08-22 06:12 am Go to last post
  9. Adventure buffs

    Does anyone happen to have a list of what the different adventure buffs kill? I thought there was a list somewhere, but didn't find it. Ranged...

    Started by Royleeinator, 02-19-22 10:10 am
    • Replies: 1
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    02-19-22 07:31 pm Go to last post
  10. Quest error

    The quest important pine wood is not working even though i met the requirements. Need help. Already tried refresh.

    Started by NijaUltimate, 02-01-22 02:29 pm
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 12,261
    02-02-22 09:31 am Go to last post
  11. Love Tree placement

    Any suggestions as to if there is an absolutely ideal location(s) in S9 for a maxed love tree assuming all mountains and rubble are removed?

    Started by DaShen, 11-25-21 12:44 am
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 66,247
    12-03-21 12:02 am Go to last post
  12. Question New player, need help with "The Trade" quest on level 12

    HI! New player here. I am on level 12 and I have to purchase at least 10 items to finish the quest. I am really enjoying the game so far but feel...

    Started by Moriel, 08-15-21 12:51 pm
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 61,559
    08-21-21 02:37 pm Go to last post
  13. stop animation?

    Unity version is resource hogging on my computer, I think I remember that there is a way to turn off animation, but I can't remember how, can someone...

    Started by JoBeth, 07-21-21 08:33 am
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    07-21-21 07:38 pm Go to last post
  14. Stuck on Storm Front - not recognizing building placement

    Hi, I am at the stage of placing buildings in storm front and the game does not recognize that I've placed all the buildings down, namely the...

    Started by jeckar, 06-23-21 04:41 am
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 44,807
    06-30-21 08:14 am Go to last post
  15. No Guts, No Glory - Achievement

    No Guts, No Glory - Achievement Complete the Dark Brotherhood using only bowmen and cavalry. Okay, the last camp, 66 shadow sneaker, 66 fire...

    Started by Showdang2, 08-23-20 04:11 pm
    • Replies: 4
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    03-01-21 09:33 pm Go to last post
  16. How do you counter defensive units?

    When they have offensive units :xbow:, I send swift units :cavalry:. When they have swift units :cavalry:, I send a first striking generals like...

    Started by Showdang2, 09-06-20 01:17 am
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    01-26-21 09:30 am Go to last post
  17. Accuracy and Damage questions

    I've been trying to figure this out and in numerous places people have said that the damage range of a unit is not really a range at all, but rather...

    Started by HortonsWho, 04-15-20 05:34 pm
    • Replies: 3
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    01-26-21 08:02 am Go to last post
  18. Diligent Geologist: Does it find treasure when no deposit is found?

    When you search with Diligent Geo for a particular deposit there are 3 results that can happen: 1. It finds the deposit and it is 50% larger 2. It...

    Started by Elgin, 10-12-20 12:48 pm
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 47,786
    01-26-21 07:00 am Go to last post
  19. changing leader in guild

    how do you change leaders in a guild is their anyway to put someone we all want in place. right now game auto replaces player

    Started by pittyness, 08-22-20 02:42 pm
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 23,115
    01-26-21 06:41 am Go to last post
  20. New Settlers Quest

    I have a problem with the new settlers quest. I can't get it to complete the first section of the quest where you have to purchase a settler family....

    Started by Nissa_Moonshine, 07-17-20 05:56 am
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 101,861
    01-05-21 02:12 am Go to last post

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