I think it was since 2014 or end of 2013 (my account here is 2014 but I play since 2013 on portuguese and UK servers)
Type: Posts; User: Felipo
I think it was since 2014 or end of 2013 (my account here is 2014 but I play since 2013 on portuguese and UK servers)
I have a question about battle frenzy - it says it adds 30% each round, but let's say the unit does 100dmg on 1st round... on 2nd, will be 100+30% = 130... ok
but on 3rd round, will be 100+30+30=160...
what is this limit? will be universal or dependent on how many years the server is live?
UK and US servers were live about 2 years before portuguese-brazilian server, for instance
the number of...
yep, 150 footballs without premium, 225 with premium
maybe if Canada qualifies to the next Copa America... or if we have some Hockey-related event in future hahaha
atm I opened 20 of them. got:
3 motherly love
1 wild mary
1 BK
3 nords
1 invasion of the nords
Halloween Surprise Box can drop The Invasion of the Nords?
I think it's because the thread wasnt on that section "news and announcements" before
I cant post anything there, save meeeeeeee!
yes, cemetery-only
there were modifications on test server today, but i dont know what was modified...
here others ss I took today
golem defeated and time until respawn:...
here u can view some random printscreens I took today from the test server to show to the people with this facebook problem...
Ok, so if i need 65 baskets, 10 exotic baskets, 5 zombies, 4 hunting contest, 4 golden ribbon, I must find someone who needs these buffs too. Seems easy :)
I've being talking for a while with some other players and everyone is complaining about the excessive effort that is needed to simply send buffs to our friends, so that they may buff us back. Such...
good point. now observing it, I think u right
early this afternoon I was wondering that could be a new enemie camp design, in a new type of adventure, with japanese theme, with new enemies or...
I'm the only one who prefers this simulator? http://www.settlersonlinetools.com/en/combat_simulator/
Puffin Browser for Android runs Flash Player
everyday i logon from android when i'm out to send my explorers/geologists
isnt tradeable (whyyyy????)