Sorry. I tried to read your message but my screen froze
Type: Posts; User: Zman65
Sorry. I tried to read your message but my screen froze
usa time too -- that would be helpful for those that live in 'merica!
Now we're doomed
Did the Romulans get royalties?
I propose making them 3x3 footprint
I like the idea and propose a new building: Army War College. Input is maps, weapons, coin and gen. Gen sits in time out for extended period upgrading skills. Once through the war college, a new...
Eastern Daylight Time
EDT timing
EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) is one of the well-known names of UTC-4 time zone which is 4h. behind of UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). The time offset from UTC can...
Is the game back online already?
How do you know the 13th maint started on the 12th? We could be experiencing maint for the 12th now and get hit tomorrow with the 13th, as announced.
Yes. I get the same issue as OP. I've started a FOTM. When it comes to the quest to open the gate, I've applied the key, but the gate did not open this time. I refreshed and there is no key in...
Appears whatever that maintenance was has made this worse. I'm getting frustrated with the game.
How are you able to get such a long period of stable gameplay? Since this event started my game freezes multiple times every minute. When I'm on my home island I spend most of my time looking at a...
This is a giant problem
Very similar behavior here as well
These guides are all evil