Type: Posts; User: Captain_Chris
Just 4 Fun is a revolutionary new concept to the way guilds are played. Not just because we dont require a guild quest completion. But because we hold our own events and games, that anyone in our...
Yes please! Bring another one on!
I have seen a major number of people who are learning the game struggle to play have issues with this quest. I wonder if you might consider flashing the the scroll bar to help indicate they need to...
would be really nice if it counted the time we have been on here before the achievement system
welcome back!
That exclamation isn't lacking workers its lacking resources, I am not sure why but I think your best bet would be submitting a support ticket if refreshing doesn't work.
I think this was brought up before in another thread lol Found it amusing this response was given for guild quest issues.
Is this a double thread post? lol
Is there any possible way we could get quests that were more worthwhile for players to do? I know this has been brought up multiple times but some of these individual guild quests are not worth doing...
That would really be a neat feature.
I think an airport might not fit the time period they have gone with for the theme lol what about a zip line? dirigible?
ill send a game invite :) any questions message me in game ill try to help