While it isn't near as bad, it still took almost 5 minutes to load and sending out explorers was still "clunky". Clicking different tabs was not smooth and the graphics.... sigh.... Two months? now...
Type: Posts; User: Beel78
While it isn't near as bad, it still took almost 5 minutes to load and sending out explorers was still "clunky". Clicking different tabs was not smooth and the graphics.... sigh.... Two months? now...
Haven't touched this game in almost 2 months. Came back to see if it was fixed and saw they are running an event in the current state of the game. So yeah. I think, I am done. This is...
If it takes a month to fix this, then speaking for myself you will loose me as a player and a customer. I have not logged on in two days. I came on forums to see what/if anything was fixed and, I...
Eve or World of Warships. Eve is similar to settlers except you can make actual money, it takes a long time to advance and you can actually do PvP.
There are a lot of issues with this game. i will not get into them all but needless to say, UBISOFT, refuses to make changes that players request to streamline the game. That being said.... I have...
i can see all sorts of issues with this...what, I want to know is, Will, I loose what, I have spent close to 8 years building or will, I start over new or will parts of it be missing or will...
This....for Geos, explorers and generals..... THIS would be perfect. Also like stated before a building so all the generals would return to it and make some room on the island. Also....The ability...
+1000 fantastic idea. Having to get multiple buildings just to increase production speed is bad for both parties. We lack the land to place more and they miss out on people getting more...because...
Everything stated here is spot on. Also, Explorers and Geologist need new skills.. There are so many "specific" explorers and geologist that trying to improve them makes wasting A LOT of Mans, books...
still stuck on the 'Stuffed Rabbits Everywhere" quest. It is not letting me finish the quest. Any word on this?
Having an issue with the 'Big Christmas market'. It is stuck and will not let me add any stuffed rabbits or finish the quest. It has gotten the amount needed for the quest and the green arrow tab...
thank you
no answer? Wow...….
Any word on why the Imp watermill is locked in the guild market?
going on day 2 and we haven't hit 60 mil. that is 30 mil a day. With 5 more days that is 150 mil plus the 60 mil makes it 210 mil. As you can see, we are a bit short. Last year they did the same...
400 mil in balloons in 6 more days....lol Sorry (not really) but you do realize that this game is on it's last legs. The influx of "new fish" is almost gone and besides a few rare exceptions it is...
Any chance that this will be made and released and at the same time let the vanilla recycling manufactories be traded in the TO? I know you have endless coal mines but...another avenue for more coal...
ok...while, I agree it is annoying...they didn't steal anything....YOU in your impatience clicked the wrong button. yes, it is annoying, yes they SHOULD give a pop up asking if you are sure but...in...
I'd like to propose an idea. Something to address the issues with resources (hoarders like me) and something to increase activity and allow a little competition in the game. I'd like to put forth...
Well, I know to each player their own, and some of the items (the new scout, new general) look appealing and, I will get the "free" Won Res, but the bundles need to be reworked. Especially at that...