Hey Settlers,
I have decided to create an Ares Price List for the TSO - Ares community. I keep an up-to-date Price List for TSO - Zeus and wanted the Ares players to have the same benefit. My price data needs to be accurate because the prices are linked to all of the Value Calculations on my site.
(ie. Explorer Search Net Value per Hour, Net Value per Hour of workyards, etc.)
I will be making changes to the Price List regularly in order to keep it up to date. If you find that one of my prices is way off base, let me know. I will update the price after checking its validity.
I will also be taking requests for adding game items or resources to the list.
This link will take you there ... http://tso.majordesigns.ca/US2/price_list.html
Let me know what you guys and gals think. =]
Happy Settling!