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Thread: Adventure Co-operation Request

  1. #1
    Soldier Ver-cheww's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Adventure Co-operation Request

    Is it just me or is this feature completely useless?? Is it still inactive to be completed at a later date?? The only change that I've been made aware of when you check the "Request" when starting a new Adventure is that on the Guild Page it says "Yes" on the Co-op section under your Avatar Character. We (my Guild) haven't been able to look at each others Adventures, Invite anyone (beyond the normal Invites) to the Adventures, or have "spectators" on said Adventures.

    Am I missing something??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Nope, not missing anything.

    It just adds the note. If it had maybe a column next to active with a LFG kinda status it might be helpful. But in the current implementation it only adds a note most people hardly ever notice.

    Might be in development to expand the feature, like a place holder for a year or 5.

  3. #3
    Veteran General Asiastrings's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Prestaging [Welt 1]
    I believe this ones in development phase. I've asked them to please make it so on my level I can have spectators on testing server. We were granted this to a certain point, we were also able to see who was on what adventure and if they needed help, we could help them. Those options aren't available live. We were granted this during the 2+months of fairytale phase. Due to its grueling night and day massively huge testing requirements, some things were given which I see will not be used here live at this time.

    To be honest, after 1st week from June 2nd to June 8th, I was dead tired and begged for something like what you see. BB was so good to us, pretty much every single thing we'd asked for was granted.

    I'm sure now that Gamescon is over there will be another wave of testing and the new stuff will be implemented.

    I had asked for, all advanced adventures, meaning epic's DB, Fairy Tale, SE, GP - have a spectator mode added to they're features.
    I also asked for Fairy Tale to go 3 person, as those were never meant to be but for 1 person.

    Anyway, hold tight, good things happen when you least expect them!!!

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