It's a failure when people like me, even if I'm the only person, were two thousand under population, not in a negative workers situation, and they took settlers away I created with resources. There is a large number in my same position not saying anything on the forum but telling their friends and guildies they just plan on never spending another dime on this game. That's a major failure.
How do I owe them anything when all my unemployed settlers and troops were created with retired bandits and I never was in a negative workers situation?
They certainly did take away from me. They took my retired bandits that were unemployed. They took workers who were retired bandits off of mines. And they created a shutdown in production on my island in higher levels by depleting my basic raw materials, costing me over 200 coins to replace those raw materials not being produced so higher levels of production weren't shut down too.
You know if anything they owe me. During that recent general/barracks glitch, they created, I lost hundreds of troops. They only compensated for the troops lost in generals. They still owe me the hundreds of troops lost in the barracks. I'm not wrongly stealing from their game and screwing things up for them like they just did to me, AM I?
This bug does not appear to be fixed, merely circumvented.
I was playing all day today (yeah, no life), and made sure that every time a well, mine, etc was depleted, it was rebuilt. Over the course of the day, my number of working settlers dropped by 7, despite all buildings being operational. At midnight (or shortly thereafter), the number was back up to what it should be. This is the 2nd day in a row I have noticed this. I am assuming all they did was to write a little script to calculate how many you working settlers you should have and setting your island to that number, once a day, without fixing the bug causing the losses.
In the big scheme, I realize this doesn't affect things in any large way. However, it is somewhat annoying to me as a player that wants to keep track of how many wells and mines I have to rebuild by using the number of working settlers. And maybe more importantly, it says something about how this game is coded and how many similar bugs we might expect in the future.