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I tried to build a guide that you could grind out very, very quickly. These troop setups let me finish an IOTP every ~40-45min.

Quick Load:

Major: 105R 1M 1E 163K
Veteran: 8E 242C
BHG: 101R 99E
T1: 107R
T2: 40R 63E
T3: 63E

Send pattern: Send Veteran, Send 3 Taverns ... wait 15-20 sec ... send Major .... wait 30-40 sec ... send BHG

Send Vet home after Attack 1

After you finish the adventure, if you have 6 tavern generals, you can load/send 3 of them right back (conveniently already mostly loaded), along with the Cavalry Veteran.

Now, I use my 2nd Veteran here to speed things up. On the 2nd adventure, I send.

Veteran1: 8E 242C
Veteran2: 71R 40E 139K
BHG: 69R 99E
T4: 107R
T5: 63E
T6: 63E

Major (after returning): 93R 1M 1E 163K

Now the 2nd Veteran and the BHG can handle attack #2 while waiting for the Major to arrive. If you don't have 2 BHG's (or only have 2 BHGs and prefer to keep one available for LS purchases), Vet1 can substitute with a 47E 7C block (instead of 50E) while waiting for the BHG to travel from the previous adventure.

The T1 / T4 general can use a variety of different troops to block: 107R / 101M / 72S / 68E / 194C
Feel free to use whichever fits your inventory better. 107R is recommended because of the lowered risk if something goes wrong.