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Thread: PVP Colony quest chain warning!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    White City Oregon

    PVP Colony quest chain warning!

    I finally got to the point of beating a colony island leader along the quest chain.
    Please note, you are only given a specific number of units to do this.
    Do not try to block 2 camps, avoid a third, and then fight the section leader.
    Doing this for 3 sections will deplete your troops beyond what you are given.
    Find the shortest way to the island leader then take out the 2-4 camps you need to make a clear path through the first two sections to the leaders section. At that point you can use blocking to hold off the camps in the last section and attack the island leader.

    Once you win the island, go back to your main island and complete that part of the quest chain. Do not do anything more until the quest chain advances!

    The next task in the chain is build defenses. You are given 3 camp sites (one in each section) and told to select a camp type and the units for this. I do not pretend to have any idea of what to put where, as your choices look pretty bleak to me of winning regardless of what type of camp or how you man it, but I picked some types and manned them with the LIMITED troops available.

    Again FOR YOUR SANITY, do nothing more until you go back to your main island and validate this part of the quest chain! Once it validates the next quest is to actually claim the island. I made the mistake of staying on the island because once you set your defenses the system says "Now it's time to actually claim your island! Click the "Claim' button to claim your island!" If you do this before you go to your main island and validate the defense quest button and wait for the quest chain to advance to the "claim your colony" quest, you will NEVER be able to advance the quest chain without having to start over building troops and winning another colony island!

    This is obviously a programming error on the part of the programmers, but when I complained they stated it was my fault for failing to wait for the next quest in the chain to advance! Like I'm supposed to know what the next quest in the chain is! I noted that there are many quest chains that will ask you to do something (like "reach level 17") and will validate even when you are level 35 when the quest is given, but of course they said it was impossible for the quest to validate if given after the requirement had be met... sounds like liberal logic to me but I digress...

    So! Those who haven't done this new quest chain are warned! Do not work ahead of each quest in the chain, even if you don't know what the next step is. After every step go back home and check the quest chain and wait for it to assign you a new task before you advance.

    I hope I've saved a few from a lot of wasted effort, time, and resources.......

    Wiley d'Wunnaful

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Planet Earth
    Great advice. Thank you for taking the time to share the information.

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