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Thread: Fix for Chrome & Opera browser "flash crash"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    US East coast

    Fix for Chrome & Opera browser "flash crash"

    Hello everyone,

    *** Attention, this post might help some of you, but might not fix the issue for some others. ***

    It has been a few week that some of you had issues playing the game with Chrome and Opera based browsers.

    BlueByte even tried to create some work-around patch to improve the stability of the game.

    The fact is, the issue is not from the game, but from a feature called "Background Tabs Throttling".

    According to the official description of this new feature, it enables intervention to limit CPU usage of background timers to 1%. In other words, this feature has been introduced to improve battery life of your device.

    When you open multiple tabs in your web browser, it affects power usage and battery life of your computer or mobile device. The new "Background Tab Throttling" functionality throttles background tabs using excessive power to optimize your device's battery life.

    So basically this new throttling feature has been developed to maximize your device battery life and you should see some or little improvement in your device's battery life if you are using Chrome 57 or later or Opera 44 or later versions.

    You can follow the tutorial on how to fix this here:

    Instructions for Google Chrome Web Browser:

    1. Open Google Chrome web browser and type chrome://flags/ in addressbar and press Enter. It'll open the advanced configuration page.

    2. Now press "Ctrl+F" keys together to launch find box and type throttling in the find box.

    It'll directly go to following option:
    Throttle expensive background timers Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android
    Enables intervention to limit CPU usage of background timers to 1%. #expensive-background-timer-throttling

    3. If you want to disable this new feature, select Disabled option from the drop-down box. If you want to enable this feature, select Enabled option from the drop-down box.

    4. Click on "Relaunch Now" button and it'll restart Google Chrome web browser.

    Instructions for Opera Web Browser:

    1. Launch Opera web browser and open its hidden secret advanced configuration page using opera://flags command in addressbar.

    2. Now click inside "Search experiments" text box and type throttling. It'll show following options in the result:
    Background tab throttling Mac, Windows, Linux
    Throttle timers in background tabs. #background-tab-throttling

    Throttle expensive background timers Mac, Windows, Linux
    Enables intervention to limit CPU usage of background timers to 1%. #expensive-background-timer-throttling

    3. If you want to disable background tabs throttling feature, select Disabled option from the drop-down box of both options. If you want to enable this feature, select Enabled option from the drop-down box of both options.

    4. Opera will show you a message "Your changes will take effect the next time you relaunch Opera" along with a button to relaunch Opera. Click on the "Relaunch Now" button to restart Opera web browser.

    That's it. With the help of the above mentioned steps, you'll be able to turn on/off background tabs throttling feature in Google Chrome and Opera web browsers.

    PS: You can also disable background tabs throttling feature in Google Chrome and Opera web browsers by appending --disable-background-timer-throttling parameter at the end of the string present in Target text box of their shortcut's properties.
    Last edited by Mod_Manatee; 07-17-17 at 05:02 am.

  2. #2
    Community Manager BB_Aeyline's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Thank you Mod_Manatee!

    We also advise players not to change tabs while the game is loading, as our team continues to investigate reports in order to mitigate the current issue.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    US East coast
    Hello, here's another tip if the game seems to be hanged: just try to zoom-in / zoom-out. It might reactivate the "sleeping" Flash.

    ** It has only been tested under Chrome **

  4. #4
    Community Manager BB_Aeyline's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Hello again!

    The freezing issue that users are experiencing is caused by Chrome and affects Flash based/browser games. This is not something we can fix until Chrome is updated, but we currently suggest these 3 workarounds (in addition to the previously posted information):
    • Use the zoom function of the browser (via menu, or CTRL+Wheel)
    • Resize the window (These two workarounds will revalidate the whole page, which will also "unfreeze" the game)
    • Try another browser :P



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Someone pointed out a solution in another thread. Click the information button and change a setting, such as setting the camera from default to block or vice versa. Have been doing this for a few days, and it usually works. I did try the proposal recommended and didn't have any issues, but that was only for one evening.

    I have always had issues with switching to another tab causing freezing/stuttering that returns to normal when I go back. I just open a new tab when I am going to do a block.

    I'd switch to Edge if they had more add-ons.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    I just read this thread and disabled the throttling. I'll see what kind of results I get over the next few days and report back as well.

    Thanks for posting this info.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I had multiple freezes for which there was no resolution other than to refresh the day this happened, but only maybe one or two since the hotfix.

    Another resolution someone suggested is to go full screen (in game button or F11).

  8. #8
    Mayor Perwyn's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    The Shire
    I've gotten some actual flash crashes where I've had to refresh, but the random freezes have been resolved by using the cntrl + mousewheel solution offered earlier in the thread. I did the throttling fix that was recommended and still am getting freezes BTW. Also, I play full screen a lot of the time and get freezes then as well.
    "Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking." ~ Marcus Aurelius

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Disabling throttling has not solved this for me.

    But at least it's livable with other workarounds.

  10. #10
    Community Manager BB_Aeyline's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Hello everyone!

    For additional information, you may want to check this recently published post: Flash warnings and how to fix them.

    See you in-game,


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