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Thread: Change to EXP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Change to EXP

    I mentioned this in game many years ago. It seems things have not changed since I returned to check in on the game.

    I would like to suggest that instead of grinding 1,000,000 adventures, for EXP, which are solely dependant on RNG searches to find them. That we can, instead, send our generals and troops out on "Quests".

    Examples being,

    Routine Patrols - 100 recruits x Hours = EXP
    Bandit Camp - 500 Recruits x Hours = EXP
    Quelling an uprising - 1000 Recruits 100 horsies + 100 Soldiers x hours = EXP
    Military drills with neighbors - 500 recruits + 500 soldiers + 500 horsies + 500 bowmen x hours = EXP
    Defend the borders - 100 recruits, 100 militia + 100 soldiers + 100 bowmen + 100 horsies = EXP

    You can send out as many as you have troops and 1 general per "quest"

    This would allow people to level up, albeit slowly, with out having to grind the same million adventures. The above numbers,etc are mere examples, as I am not going to try to find good balanced numbers knowing BB and UBI will make up their own.

    I will be honest, I have yet to even hit level 50, and i have had no desire to when I was actively playing years ago, knowing i would have to grind out the adventures, that i found extremely boring, and thanks to the RNG, i never got the ones I wanted. I have always asked for a more active/passive way to get EXP and level up. But not adventures.

  2. #2
    Veteran General
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I'd love to get some sort of economy XP (no, not scenarios...) to offset the no-desire-to-adventure phases.

  3. #3
    Veteran General
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    It would be nice to have quests where you can a bit of experience from things like, for examples, producing 'x' fish or have your explorers find granite on 'y' different searches or find 'z' copper deposits.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    With the higher amounts of exp required at some of the higher levels, these would be welcome diversions from the grind.

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